
  • Conn. labor and community challenge Bush

    Conn. labor and community challenge Bush

    March 1, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    Labor and community activists in Connecticut will be challenging the aggressive policies of the Bush administration at an emergency peace and justice conference March 2. The theme is “Bush & Company’s World Domination: How Do We...

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  • Steelworkers fight for their lives

    Steelworkers fight for their lives

    March 1, 2002 By Conn Hallinan

    PITTSBURGH – There is cold rolled anger in the heartland; there is blast furnance fury on the East Coast. In the last two weeks, workers, their families, clergy, school board members and elected officials have jammed...

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  • AFL-CIO gears for 2002 election-Maps biggest-ever mid-term election mobilization

    AFL-CIO gears for 2002 election-Maps biggest-ever mid-term election mobilization

    March 1, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    NEW ORLEANS – At its mid-winter meeting in the “Big Easy,” the AFL-CIO Executive Council fleshed out its 2002 election agenda by adopting an “Agenda for America” and taking steps to finance what AFL-CIO President John...

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  • Women of Wisconsin Steel

    Women of Wisconsin Steel

    March 1, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    CHICAGO – In the early 1900s, American working women demonstrated for union rights and the right to vote. Their fight inspired the International Socialist Women’s Conference in 1910 to declare March 8 International Women’s Day. Today,...

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  • Steel jobs hang in balance

    Steel jobs hang in balance

    March 1, 2002

    CLEVELAND – The day before the United Steelworkers of America (USWA) descended on the White House to fight for jobs and retiree benefits industry-wide, a deal was announced that will save the jobs of many workers...

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