
  • Jewish and Arab protesters call for peace

    Jewish and Arab protesters call for peace

    February 15, 2002

    TEL AVIV – It’s been a long time since this city has seen such a large mass rally for peace and against the Sharon government’s war crimes policy as the one the evening of Feb. 9....

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  • Tucson Peace Fair next weekend

    Tucson Peace Fair next weekend

    February 15, 2002

    TUCSON – The Tucson Peace Center has invited residents of the state to celebrate what has become a local tradition. The 20th annual Tucson Peace Fair, a festive day of “music, dance, food and discovery” will...

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  • More bad news

    More bad news

    February 15, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    The economy lost another 89,000 jobs in January as layoffs in manufacturing and construction continued. However, because of an implausible decline of 924,000 in the civilian labor force, the number crunchers at the Bureau of Labor...

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  • So long, partner! What happened to my $ 20,000?

    So long, partner! What happened to my $ 20,000?

    February 15, 2002

    During the 1980s, when LTV Steel was going through its first bankruptcy, the company got concessions from our union (the United Steelworkers of America). It was supposed to save our jobs and we would get most...

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  • Tucson Peace Fair next weekend

    Tucson Peace Fair next weekend

    February 15, 2002

    TUCSON – The Tucson Peace Center has invited residents of the state to celebrate what has become a local tradition. The 20th annual Tucson Peace Fair, a festive day of “music, dance, food and discovery” will...

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