
  • Rights group takeover fails

    Rights group takeover fails

    December 14, 2001

    WASHINGTON – George W. Bush’s railroading of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission (CRC) was blocked Dec. 7 when Commission Chair Mary Frances Berry stood her ground and refused to recognize Bush’s nominee. A federal judge had...

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  • Unemployment makes historic jump

    Unemployment makes historic jump

    December 14, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    With the official count of the unemployed still increasing, economists who are predicting an early end to the present recession should remember the old adage about not counting chickens before they hatch, as they gaze into...

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  • Pratt and Whitney strikers stand firm

    Pratt and Whitney strikers stand firm

    December 14, 2001

    NORTH HAVEN, Conn. – With a strike of more than 5,000 Pratt and Whitney workers holding firm, and machines lying idle at aircraft engine plants in East Hartford, Middletown, Cheshire and North Haven, Conn., company officials...

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  • LTV steelworkers take the fight to DC

    LTV steelworkers take the fight to DC

    December 14, 2001 By Pat McKinney

    PITTSBURGH – Fresh from a Dec. 7 victory in bankruptcy court giving them a temporary stay in the battle to prevent LTV Steel Corporation from liquidating facilities in Ohio and Indiana, rank-and-file members of the United...

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  • ACLU and AFL-CIO blast Ashcroft

    ACLU and AFL-CIO blast Ashcroft

    December 14, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    In a blatant attempt to stifle growing criticism of the efforts of the Bush administration to amend the Constitution and write new laws by executive fiat, Attorney General John Ashcroft equated political dissent with treason during...

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