
  • Afghan childrens fund: show us the money

    Afghan childrens fund: show us the money

    November 30, 2001 By Tim Yeager

    “America’s Fund for Afghan Children” – this is the name George W. Bush has given his “dollar for Afghan kids” drive. My daughter received a letter from her school requesting that she bring a dollar in...

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  • Its official! Economy in recession

    Its official! Economy in recession

    November 30, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said the Nov. 26 announcement that the economy was now officially in a recession confirmed what America’s working families have known for months.

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  • Labor takes a stand for justice

    Labor takes a stand for justice

    November 30, 2001

    Union forces seek points of unity On Sept. 11 thousands said goodbye to their families and went to work. Thousands died that day, including 600 union members. Thousands continue to labor at Ground Zero, recovering the...

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  • Steelworkers struggle to survive

    Steelworkers struggle to survive

    November 30, 2001 By Paul S. Kaczocha

    BURNS HARBOR, Ind. – Bankrupt Bethlehem Steel and the United Steelworkers of America (USWA) are meeting with creditors in Pittsburgh to hammer out a proposal on a revised contract for submission to the bankruptcy judge.

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  • As Maine goes, so can the nation

    As Maine goes, so can the nation

    November 30, 2001

    Maine has been leading the country in driving down the cost of prescription drugs and in the last two months has moved to do the same for health insurance. In September, the Maine legislature enacted a...

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