
  • Arizona dice: Fin al bombardeo!

    Arizona dice: Fin al bombardeo!

    November 10, 2001

    TUCSON, Ariz. – Como 150 personas asistieron una manifestación al frente de la fábrica Raytheon Missile System el 16 de octubre aquí, exigiendo un fin al bombardeo de Afganistán y opuestos a planes para la militarización...

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  • Arab League: no to bin Laden

    Arab League: no to bin Laden

    November 10, 2001

    DAMASCUS, Syria – The head of the 22-nation Arab League on Nov. 4 dismissed an appeal by Osama bin Laden to Muslims to join a holy war against the West. Arab League Secretary General Amr Musa...

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  • APHA condemns war

    APHA condemns war

    November 10, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    In a strongly-worded resolution titled “Opposing war in southwest Asia,” the annual meeting of the 50,000-member American Public Health Association (APHA) expressed its opposition to “military actions against Afghanistan and other nations,” and called such action...

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  • Universal health care wins big in Maine

    Universal health care wins big in Maine

    November 10, 2001

    On Nov. 6, citizens of Portland, Maine took advantage of an advisory referendum to approve a resolution supporting a single-payer, universal health care system. The resolution calls for the City Council to report periodically on progress...

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  • Rep. Lee urges $ 1 billion to fight global AIDS

    Rep. Lee urges $ 1 billion to fight global AIDS

    November 10, 2001

    More than 70 lawmakers have signed a letter to George W. Bush drafted by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) urging him to submit a request to Congress that an additional $1 billion to be contributed to the...

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