
  • Humanitarian crisis: stop the bombs

    Humanitarian crisis: stop the bombs

    November 10, 2001 By Susan Webb

    Isn’t it time to step back from the relentless bombing of Afghanistan? Isn’t it time for suspension of bombing?

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  • Dear Peoples Weekly World Reader

    Dear Peoples Weekly World Reader

    November 10, 2001

    Sept. 11 changed the world forever. That is what the corporate media keeps telling us. And it is true. But does their uncritical backing of George W. Bush’s “war on terrorism” suggest that they have learned...

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  • Banquet honors Phila. activists

    Banquet honors Phila. activists

    November 10, 2001

    PHILADELPHIA – A crowd of well-wishers gathered at the Stadium Holiday Inn here for the annual People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Banquet Nov.5. They were there to honor two outstanding leaders and activists – Pedro Rodriguez and...

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  • Day of Action: Free the Charleston 5

    Day of Action: Free the Charleston 5

    November 10, 2001 By Evelina Alarcon

    The national spotlight is once again on South Carolina as five dockworkers, four African-American and one white, seek justice in a Charleston court this week when their long-awaited trial begins.

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  • 1995 – 2001 editions

    1995 – 2001 editions

    November 6, 2001

    Articles featured in the previous versions of the PWW website are available in the 1995 PWW Archives 1996 PWW Archives 1997 PWW Archives 1998 PWW Archives 1999 PWW Archives 2000 PWW Archives 2001 PWW Archives  

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