
  • What is causing the dramatic decline in honeybee populations?

    What is causing the dramatic decline in honeybee populations?

    June 14, 2007 By EarthTalk

    Dear EarthTalk: What is causing the dramatic decline in honeybee populations in the U.S. and elsewhere in recent years, and what is being done about it? Kids everywhere may revel in the fact that bees are...

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  • What is the terminator seed proposed for use in agriculture?

    What is the terminator seed proposed for use in agriculture?

    June 14, 2007

    Dear EarthTalk: What is the “terminator seed” proposed for use in agriculture? Why is it so controversial? Since the dawn of civilization farmers have saved the seeds spawned by their crops and re-planted them to grow...

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  • Bush campaigns to revive immigration bill

    Bush campaigns to revive immigration bill

    June 13, 2007

    News Analysis In his June 9 national radio address, President Bush strongly endorsed the “Grand Bargain” immigration bill, S 1348, that stalled in the Senate June 7 when just 45 of a necessary 60 senators were...

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  • Protests mark G-8 summit in Germany

    Protests mark G-8 summit in Germany

    June 8, 2007

    News Analysis Demonstrators from throughout Europe flooded Rostock, Germany, this week to protest the G-8 Summit being held June 6-8 in nearby Heiligendamm. On the weekend preceding the G-8 meeting, clashes between 16,000 riot police and...

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  • Turning the tide of reaction in Texas

    Turning the tide of reaction in Texas

    June 8, 2007

    HOUSTON — The recent meltdown of the Texas Legislature, dubbed “the Austin Tea Party,” may be the opening shot of a resurgence of the power of Texas progressives. Needless to say, the Texas political scene has...

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