Film has two extremes
February 9, 2007Pan’s Labryinth Directed by Guillermo del Toro Picturehouse Entertainment, 2006 112 minutes “Pan’s Labyrinth” is a Spanish movie with subtitles. Its creator uses magic realism to tell two simultaneous stories. In one of them, a lost...
Read moreThe battle for affirmative action in Michigan
February 9, 2007Affirmative action is one of the best ways to address past and current discrimination based on race and gender. The Nov. 7 vote for Michigan ballot Proposal 2, which eliminates local and state government affirmative action...
Read moreA bakers tale: Its not just the dough, Americans need to rise up
February 9, 2007The Employee Free Choice Act could make things sweeterLARKFIELD, Calif. — Obviously, bakers tend to wake up earlier than everyone else. It’s 4 a.m. in Larkfield, and the vending racks are just being filled with newspapers....
February 9, 2007Stewards bargain Costco contract Shop stewards participated directly in negotiations with retail giant Costco, leading to a tentative agreement which made significant gains in retirement, wages and seniority while maintaining current pension and health care levels,...
February 9, 2007South Africa: Business practices vs. human rights Speakers at a mid-January conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, organized by the Foundation for Human Rights, examined effects of business practices on human rights. Yasmin Sooka, the foundation’s director,...
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