
  • Getting out of the budget disaster

    Getting out of the budget disaster

    May 6, 2008

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The state of California is in deep financial trouble. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed 2008-09 budget has a gap of up to $14 billion between providing the current level of public services and the...

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  • May Day in Baghdad

    May Day in Baghdad

    May 3, 2008

    The Iraqi Communist Party celebrated May Day with a big mass rally in Firdos Square in central Baghdad, followed by a march to the headquarters of the party. Thousands of trade unionists, members of democratic organizations...

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  • Shades of Green: May 2, 2008

    Shades of Green: May 2, 2008

    May 3, 2008

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  • Arizona sheriff stirs furor over sweeps

    Arizona sheriff stirs furor over sweeps

    May 3, 2008

    PHOENIX — Elected officials, religious leaders, community organizations and civil libertarians have joined a rising chorus here of Arizonans condemning the blatantly racist grandstanding of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Since Jan. 1, Arpaio’s office has...

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  • The GOPs vanishing options

    The GOPs vanishing options

    May 3, 2008

    The over-the-top coverage of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Barack Obama’s San Francisco comments, especially in the conservative media, signals growing GOP concern about the electoral implications of Sen. Obama’s call for racial healing and reconciliation....

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