
  • Charges of lavish wealth rubbish

    Charges of lavish wealth rubbish

    May 19, 2006

    Cuban President Fidel Castro speaks during the Cuban television program “Round Table” in Havana, May 15, where he called a Forbes magazine report naming him one of the world’s wealthiest rulers “rubbish.” In its May 5...

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  • Cuba elected to new UN rights council

    Cuba elected to new UN rights council

    May 19, 2006

    To the dismay of the Bush administration and its European Union allies, the UN General Assembly endorsed Cuba’s nomination to the newly created UN Council on Human Rights on May 9. Cuba was the choice of...

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  • Jeb Bush abandons Harris

    Jeb Bush abandons Harris

    May 19, 2006

    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Republican Gov. Jeb Bush has publicly abandoned Rep. Katherine Harris, stating she could not possibly defeat incumbent Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson in November. The governor’s comments came on the same day his brother,...

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    May 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON: Families say ‘protect miners’ lives’ It has been three and half months since 12 coal miners died in West Virginia’s Sago Mine. There have been congressional, state and public hearings and investigations. The West Virginia...

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  • Puerto Ricans uneasy as schools, agencies reopen

    Puerto Ricans uneasy as schools, agencies reopen

    May 19, 2006

    While 100,000 public sector workers went back to work in Puerto Rico May 15 and 500,000 pupils returned to finish the last two weeks of school, Puerto Ricans have lost faith in the colonialist politicians, polls...

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