
  • Whats on – April 19, 2008

    Whats on – April 19, 2008

    April 19, 2008

    BERKELEY, Calif. May 3, Sat., café 7 p.m., cabaret 8 p.m. The Bolshevik Café: Music, stand-up comedy & spoken word plus display: 50 years of political posters, t-shirts & other left memorabilia. Put the social in...

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  • Oceans in trouble

    Oceans in trouble

    April 19, 2008

    Disturbing news continues to emerge from beneath the waves. In December, science journals reported that disappearing deep-sea species could trigger an ocean-wide collapse of sea life, that global warming is destroying coral — and that loss...

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  • What are the jobs of the future?

    What are the jobs of the future?

    April 19, 2008

    Trends in privately funded research and development tell a lot about the kinds of investments corporations are planning for the future, and what kinds of occupations will be growing or declining both in the United States...

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  • Food price crisis

    Food price crisis

    April 19, 2008

    Among the necessities for human life — indeed, all life — food obviously occupies a central place. In recent decades advances in agriculture and in the ability to distribute food around the world seemed to promise...

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  • Earth Day 2008

    Earth Day 2008

    April 19, 2008

    The first Earth Day in 1970 symbolized our growing awareness of problems in the relationship of human production to nature on which we depend for survival. The problems are rapidly escalating. We now know that serious...

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