
  • Its the war economy, stupid!

    Its the war economy, stupid!

    April 11, 2008

    It’s almost April 15. Do you know where your taxes are? A new study by the National Priorities Project says the federal government spent almost half — 42.2 percent — of every 2007 income tax dollar...

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  • Unions challenge Bush no-match plan

    Unions challenge Bush no-match plan

    April 11, 2008

    The United Food and Commercial Workers has stepped up its fight against Bush administration use of “no-match” Social Security letters against workers whose on-the-job identification doesn’t match what’s in government files. The government uses the program...

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  • Causes Dr. King fought for are very much with us

    Causes Dr. King fought for are very much with us

    April 11, 2008

    WASHINGTON (PAI) — The causes the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for, including racial justice, economic equality and ending a misguided war “are very much with us today,” says a labor historian and author...

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  • Calls to close Guantanamo fueled by torture memo

    Calls to close Guantanamo fueled by torture memo

    April 11, 2008

    Advocates for hundreds of detainees in George W. Bush’s “war on terror,” many held for years without criminal charges, are escalating their demands for fair trials or release of the prisoners and for closing Guantanamo and...

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  • 28 million surviving on food stamps

    28 million surviving on food stamps

    April 11, 2008

    CHICAGO — Human suffering, more than Wall Street indicators, tells us the world’s richest nation is plunging into its most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, while the Iraq war continues to drain the nation’s...

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