
  • El legado de Martn Luther King

    El legado de Martn Luther King

    April 4, 2008

    Esta semana se cumple el 40 aniversario de la muerte de líder afronorteamericano por los derechos civiles, Martín Luther King. King fue asesinado en Memphis, Tenesí en abril 4, 1968. Él estaba en Memphis apoyando a...

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  • CPUSA: Mobilize landslide defeat of McCain, GOP

    CPUSA: Mobilize landslide defeat of McCain, GOP

    April 3, 2008

    NEW YORK — A landslide victory over GOP presidential nominee John McCain and Republican congressional candidates is essential to “realign the political balance of forces and set the stage to move in a new direction with...

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  • What does Cesar Chavez mean to you?

    What does Cesar Chavez mean to you?

    April 3, 2008

    Sign the UFW's Cesar Chavez National Holiday Petition

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  • Republicans muzzle victims of credit card firms

    Republicans muzzle victims of credit card firms

    April 3, 2008

    Four workers robbed by their credit card companies sat silently at recent Congressional hearings on the matter, afraid to share their horror stories with the people elected to represent them. After long journeys to the nation’s...

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  • McCain to at-risk homeowners: Drop Dead!

    McCain to at-risk homeowners: Drop Dead!

    April 2, 2008

    WASHINGTON — Millions of homeowners facing foreclosure got a bucket of ice water in the face from Senator John McCain March 25.“The mess you are in is your own fault. Don’t expect any bailouts from me.”...

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