
  • We are against school closings

    We are against school closings

    March 12, 2008

    CHICAGO — Parents, community groups, teachers and students are fed up with Chicago Public Schools officials who voted to close, consolidate or restructure 18 schools here Feb. 27. School officials say 10 schools will be consolidated,...

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  • Labor propels Kucinich to big win

    Labor propels Kucinich to big win

    March 12, 2008

    CLEVELAND — Labor and its progressive allies scored a major victory in the Democratic primary here March 4 when Congressman Dennis Kucinich beat back a heavily financed effort to take his seat. Kucinich won in a...

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  • Gov’t sued for citizenship delays

    Gov’t sued for citizenship delays

    March 12, 2008

    More than one million, mostly Latin American, U.S. permanent residents applying for citizenship are being denied “the ability to vote and fully participate in determining the future of the country” charged the Puerto Rican Legal Defense...

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  • Workers drown in pink slip deluge

    Workers drown in pink slip deluge

    March 12, 2008

    Only a week after releasing the most dismal consumer spending figures in eight years, the government said, March 7, that 63,000 workers lost their jobs in February — another sure sign that the economy is in...

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  • National dialogue needed on our overflowing jails

    National dialogue needed on our overflowing jails

    March 11, 2008 By Rosita Johnson

    In 2008 in the United States of America more than 1 out of every 100 adults is behind bars. A report by the Pew Public Safety Performance Project announced that on Jan. 1, 2008, an estimated...

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