
  • Online rally for paid sick days: Help solve a public health crisis

    Online rally for paid sick days: Help solve a public health crisis

    February 26, 2008

    Your child wakes up one morning and doesn’t feel well. You wish you could stay home with her, but if you miss work you will lose a day’s pay – or risk being fired. Your family...

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  • Change to Win endorses Obama

    Change to Win endorses Obama

    February 23, 2008

    Citing his promise to re-negotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and saying that it is time for the race for the Democratic presidential nomination to end, the seven union, six million member Change to...

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  • Was satellite shoot down a weapons test?

    Was satellite shoot down a weapons test?

    February 23, 2008

    The interception of a “disabled spy satellite” by a Pentagon missile is worrying some countries that see it as a poorly disguised attempt to test an anti-satellite weapons system. The Pentagon missile launch Thursday amounted to...

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  • Teamsters back Obama

    Teamsters back Obama

    February 23, 2008

    Sen. Barack Obama received the endorsement Feb. 20 of the powerful Teamsters, the fourth major labor endorsement of his candidacy in a week. The other unions that endorsed him in the week leading up to the...

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  • Event calls for medical marijuana reform

    Event calls for medical marijuana reform

    February 23, 2008

    They call it wacky tobacky. Hydro. Chronic. Trees. Mary Jane. Those who partake in marijuana consumption for pleasure have many a fond nickname for the illegal herb. Those who have suffered from terminal illnesses; both physical...

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