
  • A-plus for Atonement

    A-plus for Atonement

    February 8, 2008

    “Atonement” came out last December but I passed on it. It was nominated for the Academy Award for best picture, so finally I went to see it. Anyone who believes this movie is too long just...

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  • There Will Be Blood and profits!

    There Will Be Blood and profits!

    February 8, 2008

    “There Will Be Blood,” directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, is based on the Upton Sinclair novel “Oil!” It was filmed in West Texas, so as a Texan I recognized the landscape without difficulty. It is a...

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  • Stupid punditry

    Stupid punditry

    February 8, 2008

    Pundits are busy dissecting the vote totals and telling people what is missing from the movement behind Barack Obama. They are busy, too, telling us who won’t vote for Hillary Clinton. When Obama won Iowa they...

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  • Protect America from corporate, Bush spies

    Protect America from corporate, Bush spies

    February 8, 2008

    The so-called Protect America Act will expire Feb. 15 if it is not renewed. The Senate is about to vote on a deeply flawed version passed in the summer as a temporary fix for what the...

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  • War on two fronts: racism at home, Nazis overseas

    War on two fronts: racism at home, Nazis overseas

    February 8, 2008

    PITTSBURGH — In 1940, Mitchell Higginbotham heard that President Franklin Roosevelt had ordered the Army Air Corps to create a unit of all African American pilots and support personnel. Defying made-in-the-USA Jim Crow segregation, where not...

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