
  • Fox News: Still Unfair and Unbalanced

    Fox News: Still Unfair and Unbalanced

    August 16, 2009 By Joel Wendland-Liu

    In addition to some of its major personalities promoting disruptions and even violence at congressional town hall meetings, the guests and commentators invited to appear on its programs seem to overwhelmingly oppose health reform as well.

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  • Netroots activists push for immigration reform

    Netroots activists push for immigration reform

    August 16, 2009

    PITTSBURGH PA - 'You all are the folks we need on the ground raising awareness about enforcement and detention in our immigrant system,' said Jacki Esposito, from the Detention Watch Network, here at the national Netroots...

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  • Howard Dean tells Netroots: We’re going to win a public option

    Howard Dean tells Netroots: We’re going to win a public option

    August 15, 2009

    PITTSBURGH PA – 'The only health care reform worth doing is the public option. If you give away the public option you have no health care reform. It is a real choice for the American people,'...

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  • More job stimulus desperately needed

    More job stimulus desperately needed

    August 15, 2009

    Economic reports for July showing unemployment rising, retail sales falling and mortgage foreclosures at an all time high, touched off warnings from economists: only stronger action by the federal government to create jobs, extend unemployment benefits...

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  • Congressman Sestak: I wont budge on public option

    Congressman Sestak: I wont budge on public option

    August 14, 2009

    PHILADELPHIA — In a packed meeting August 12 at a south Philadelphia church Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) brought the crowd of over 600 to its feet when he said he “would not budge” on the need...

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