Sea Stories and Other Dirty Lies, Movie Review: In the Loop
August 10, 2009Movie Review: In the LoopI am grateful to the British facility with language for not having any tattoos anywhere on my skin, and for one of the best movies of recent times. In 1961, I got...
Read moreNC Racial Justice Act passes, awaits governor’s signature
August 10, 2009Original source: The North Carolina Racial Justice Act passed in the state Senate this week and now heads to Gov. Bev Perdue for her signature. As Facing South previously reported, the N.C. Racial Justice Act is...
Read moreCelebrating Justice Sotomayor
August 9, 2009Something historic happened today, Aug. 8. The first Latina, and only third woman, justice of the Supreme Court was sworn into office. And people celebrated, despite every attempt to drag Justice Sonia Sotomayor through the mud.
Read moreNative Americans celebrate history, struggle in northwest
August 9, 2009'Paddle to Suquamish” Aug. 1-11 was a dramatic sign that the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest are in the midst of a cultural reawakening. Participation continues to grow 20 years after “Paddle to Seattle,” the...
Read moreLegislative leader to sue Calif. governor over cuts
August 9, 2009California Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, announced Aug. 7 that he will sue Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger over nearly $500 million in line-item cuts the governor made last week in signing a budget revision...
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