Twitter silenced, hackers suspected
August 7, 2009Hackers may have brought down Twitter this morning. The rapidly expanding new communications tool, which gained global attention in the Iran election crisis, was inaccessible for several hours Thursday. The company is blaming a “denial-of-service” attack.
Read moreElectric rate hike fought in St. Louis
August 7, 2009ST. LOUIS -- ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and its allies from the Service Employees International Union and Missouri Progressive Vote held a spirited rally outside the Ameren U.E. office here August...
Read moreAbdul’s ‘American Idol’ exit shakes up TV’s top-rated show
August 7, 2009Say what you want about Paula Abdul, but give her this: She makes for great television, especially at her own wacky expense.
Read moreAnti-worker group pays Rove $100,000 to fight EFCA
August 7, 2009Here we go again. Yet another misleadingly named, corporate-funded front group has been created to block the freedom to form unions and bargain and scare people away from the Employee Free Choice Act. And where there...
Read moreWhy you cant sit out the health care fight
August 7, 2009COMMENTARY I was part of a recent Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) conference call on the mobilization to fight for real health care reform. It was a wonderful, well attended event, chaired by Ed Coyle the...
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