
  • Grassroots laborers plough common ground

    Grassroots laborers plough common ground

    June 5, 2009

    SEATTLE, Washington, Jun 5 (IPS) - The hiring hall for Hod Carriers and General Labourers Local 242 is in the basement of the Seattle Labour Temple, a two-story tan-brick building of early-20th century vintage. You walk...

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  • Hundreds rally to stop Illinois budget cuts

    Hundreds rally to stop Illinois budget cuts

    June 5, 2009

    CHICAGO – Hundreds representing dozens of local community groups here rallied in front of the downtown James R. Thompson Center June 4 against the “doomsday” budget cuts that were approved by the Illinois General Assembly late...

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  • White House: Employee Free Choice a Priority

    White House: Employee Free Choice a Priority

    June 5, 2009 By Seth Michaels

    In yesterday’s White House press briefing, a reporter raised the question of whether President Barack Obama and the administration continued to support the Employee Free Choice Act.

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  • One in five children sinking into poverty

    One in five children sinking into poverty

    June 5, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Jun 3 (IPS) - U.S. children’s quality of life is expected to decline through 2010 due to the impacts of the financial crisis, said a new report by the Foundation for Child Development (FDC), released...

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  • To rebuild U.S. economy, we need to make things again

    To rebuild U.S. economy, we need to make things again

    June 5, 2009

    WASHINGTON — 'We've had eight years of a failed economic policy,' Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) told a packed workshop titled “Manufacturing America: Common Sense About Global Economic Strategy,” at the America’s Future Now conference here this...

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