
  • Mississippi first student workers join Teamsters union

    Mississippi first student workers join Teamsters union

    May 26, 2009

    Original source: First student school bus drivers, monitors and mechanics in West Point, Mississippi, are now Teamster members, after an overwhelming 21-6 vote in favor of representation by Local 891 in Jackson. The workers united in...

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  • Women created Memorial Day

    Women created Memorial Day

    May 26, 2009

    Original source: (WOMENSENEWS)--Much of women's history is missing from our public story. One more example; women were almost entirely responsible for the recognition of Memorial Day. Its origin was the Civil War and until recently, the...

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  • Katrina hero’s story to be told on big screen

    Katrina hero’s story to be told on big screen

    May 24, 2009

    Sony Pictures and Will Smith's Overbrook Entertainment have picked up the movie rights to the story of an ex-Marine who orchestrated the rescue of hundreds of his neighbors during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

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  • Gitmo a paradise of fun in the sun says anonymous source

    Gitmo a paradise of fun in the sun says anonymous source

    May 24, 2009

    The battle between former Vice President Cheney and President Obama has heated up with dueling speeches on the subject of “Torture: Fun, but for whom?” Cheney has taken the position that the more we torture foreigners...

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  • Connecticut town hall meet favors not-for-profit health care

    Connecticut town hall meet favors not-for-profit health care

    May 23, 2009 By Joelle Fishman

    DERBY, Conn. -- In search of a solution to the health care crisis, several hundred people jammed into the Griffin Hospital auditorium Saturday for a town hall meeting with Sen. Chris Dodd, Rep. Rosa DeLauro and...

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