
  • Apple apologizes for Baby Shaker iPhone app

    Apple apologizes for Baby Shaker iPhone app

    April 30, 2009

    Parents whose children died or were permanently injured due to their babies being shaken protested outside an Apple store about an application called Baby Shaker. Apple has apologized this week for the 'deeply offensive' iPhone application,...

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  • House passes hate crimes prevention act

    House passes hate crimes prevention act

    April 30, 2009

    The US House of Representatives passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepard Act, Wednesday, April 29th with a bipartisan majority. Supporters of the bill say it would provide...

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  • President Obama’s first 100 days bring real change for women

    President Obama’s first 100 days bring real change for women

    April 30, 2009

    Original source: President Barack Obama's first 100 days have brought real change for women. Obama swiftly signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, repealed the Global Gag Rule, restored international family planning aid and acted to...

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  • Rat Pack comes to life on American Idol

    Rat Pack comes to life on American Idol

    April 30, 2009

    The final five on “American Idol” last night brought back famous tunes by Hollywood legends Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop, otherwise known as the “Rat Pack” — the popular...

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  • $963 billion in plastic debt: The next financial meltdown?

    $963 billion in plastic debt: The next financial meltdown?

    April 30, 2009

    WASHINGTON—Amid warnings that the nearly $1 trillion in credit card debt held by consumers could be the “next financial meltdown,” President Obama and the House and Senate are moving quickly to enact a credit cardholders “Bill...

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