
  • Have you joined the Facebook revolution?

    Have you joined the Facebook revolution?

    March 6, 2009

    “I Facebook, therefore I am,” was a headline I read online recently. Almost everyone I know has a Facebook account and it seems people are more and more joining a growing cultural trend of cyber-social networking....

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  • The depleted uranium cover-up

    The depleted uranium cover-up

    March 5, 2009 By Bud Deraps

    The best-kept secret in America today is the deadly effect our depleted uranium (DU) weapons are having, not only on our enemies, but on our own loved ones who have served in our wars since the...

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  • Labor movement backs bank nationalization

    Labor movement backs bank nationalization

    March 5, 2009

    MIAMI — The nation’s largest labor federation has called for nationalization of the nation’s major banks. In a detailed statement, the AFL-CIO, at its executive council meeting here, called on the Obama administration to intervene when...

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  • COMMENTARY: Republican Party racism is at fever pitch

    COMMENTARY: Republican Party racism is at fever pitch

    March 5, 2009

    Recently the Republican-owned New York Post ran a scurrilous racist cartoon comparing Obama to the Connecticut chimpanzee that was shot dead by the police. The headline read, “Who’s going to write the stimulus package now?”, a...

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  • Researchers combat antibiotic resistance with engineered viruses

    Researchers combat antibiotic resistance with engineered viruses

    March 5, 2009

    A new approach to fight bacterial infections, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Boston University (BU), could help prevent bacteria from developing antibiotic resistance and kill those that have already become resistant.

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