
  • Rally: Stop closing schools, education is a right

    Rally: Stop closing schools, education is a right

    February 27, 2009

    CHICAGO – It’s the worst feeling, said Paula Bullard, mother of five, when you have to tell your children that their school is closing. Bullard’s children go to South Chicago elementary in the South Shore neighborhood....

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  • National News from pww.org

    National News from pww.org

    February 27, 2009

    Solis confirmed, 80-17 The Senate Feb. 24 voted 80-17 to confirm California congresswoman Hilda Solis as labor secretary, two months after Obama nominated her. Her nomination was held up by Republican obstructions over her pro-union activities...

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  • Pushing for more after Ledbetter

    Pushing for more after Ledbetter

    February 27, 2009

    Original source: WASHINGTON (WOMENSENEWS)--In June, Michelle Obama made a last-minute decision to take time out of her campaign schedule to speak at the annual fundraising luncheon for the National Partnership for Women and Families, a nonprofit...

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  • Quotas on immigrant arrests stirs outrage

    Quotas on immigrant arrests stirs outrage

    February 26, 2009

    BALTIMORE—CASA de Maryland, an immigrant rights organization, has just released a videotape of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arresting 24 Latino workers and shoppers at a 7-Eleven in 2007 based solely on racial profiling, a...

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  • Job Creation Key to Recovery, Obama Stresses

    Job Creation Key to Recovery, Obama Stresses

    February 26, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Feb 25 (IPS) - In his first speech before a joint session of Congress, U.S. President Barack Obama gave a hopeful assessment of the country’s future and defended his economic recovery plan to get there....

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