
  • Haitians facing deportation look to Obama for help

    Haitians facing deportation look to Obama for help

    February 22, 2009

    Original source: The United States is set to deport more than 30,000 Haitians to their impoverished homeland, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials announced this week. A protest in response to the decision has been planned for...

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  • What a recession means for Black America

    What a recession means for Black America

    February 22, 2009 By Algernon Austin

    Recessions hurt. And they hurt the poor and socially marginalized populations the most. As we face the prospect of the second recession of the decade and consider the merits of various stimulus packages, it is useful...

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  • More than 50,000 people email New York Post over chimp cartoon in less than one day

    More than 50,000 people email New York Post over chimp cartoon in less than one day

    February 21, 2009

    More than 50,000 members of ColorOfChange.org sent emails to New York Post Publisher Paul Carlucci on Thursday protesting the paper's decision to run a controversial political cartoon. Momentum around the petition continued to build Thursday evening...

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  • Digital TV for all? Not so fast

    Digital TV for all? Not so fast

    February 21, 2009

    NEW YORK, Feb 20 (IPS) - Imagine turning on your television and all you see is black and white fuzz. This might be the scenario for the estimated 6 million U.S. citizens who have been left...

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  • Chasm between words and deeds

    Chasm between words and deeds

    February 20, 2009 By John Case

    When I heard Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina call for bank nationalization, and Sen. Chuck Schumer say “well .... let’s hold on a little longer,” I considered re-reading Alice in Wonderland. Schumer’s reluctance merely...

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