
  • Rally calls for moratorium on school closings

    Rally calls for moratorium on school closings

    January 31, 2009

    CHICAGO – Hundreds of teachers, parents, students, union leaders and local activists rallied here Jan. 28th at the Chicago Board of Education building against the boards plan to close, consolidate, phase out and turnaround more than...

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  • Obama as Savior? He’d better be

    Obama as Savior? He’d better be

    January 31, 2009 By Don Williams

    So he can't walk on water. Nor heal the sick with a touch. His smile won't summon sunrise, nor cause angelic choirs to sing from the skies. Still. Of all the presidential candidates ever to rise...

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  • Yes we can!

    Yes we can!

    January 30, 2009 By Ken BeSaw

    From left to right, Sophie Rodenbush and Amber Rose Rodriguez had one message, “Yes we can,” which was the sentiment at this year’s Martin Luther King Day March which the 8th graders from Manhattan Country School...

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  • Senate Dems flex legislative muscle on fair pay

    Senate Dems flex legislative muscle on fair pay

    January 30, 2009

    By a vote of 61 to 36 on Jan. 22, the Senate passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and sent it to President Obama who plans to sign it into law. The bill will let...

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  • As layoffs spread, pressure grows to pass recovery act

    As layoffs spread, pressure grows to pass recovery act

    January 30, 2009

    The news that another 100,000 workers have lost their jobs sent a shock wave across the nation even as President Obama visited Capitol Hill Jan. 27 to urge quick approval of his $825 billion economic stimulus...

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