
  • Biden slams Cheney on violating Constitution

    Biden slams Cheney on violating Constitution

    December 22, 2008

    Dick Cheney's actions and advice as vice president were 'not healthy,' Vice President-elect Joe Biden told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in an interview Sunday Dec. 21. 'I think the recommendations, the advice that he has given to...

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  • New protests as anti-women Bush admin. rule goes into effect

    New protests as anti-women Bush admin. rule goes into effect

    December 20, 2008

    New protests as anti-women Bush admin. rule goes into effect Women's health advocates sharply criticized a last minute Bush administration rule that allows health care providers to deny health care information and services to women. The...

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  • Biggest bill for working class people in 30 years

    Biggest bill for working class people in 30 years

    December 19, 2008

    CLEVELAND — The Employee Free Choice Act, aimed at eliminating barriers to workers seeking union representation, is key to any meaningful economic recovery, speakers told more than 100 labor and community activists at a forum here...

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  • Group demands Feds investigate Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    Group demands Feds investigate Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    December 18, 2008

    America's Voice, a group that favors comprehensive and humanitarian immigration reform, released a new Web video this week slamming infamous Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The video calls on the Justice Department to investigate Arpaio...

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  • Hurricane Ike: Dj vu all over again

    Hurricane Ike: Dj vu all over again

    December 10, 2008 By James Thompson

    GALVESTON, Texas — After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, many people speculated that if a similar disaster hit Texas, the Bush administration would respond more positively. Over two months after Hurricane Ike hit, the evidence suggests...

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