
  • Michigan, Ohio fight GOP dirty tricks

    Michigan, Ohio fight GOP dirty tricks

    September 18, 2008

    The Obama campaign filed a lawsuit Sept. 16 to block an apparent Republican Party effort in Michigan to use home foreclosure lists to exclude registered voters in the Detroit area from casting ballots this November. At...

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  • In bed with Big Oil

    In bed with Big Oil

    September 18, 2008 By Susan Webb

    The idea that the Bush administration is in bed with the oil companies took on new meaning with revelations that Interior Department officials engaged in sex, drugs and partying with oil and gas company representatives. A...

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  • Battle for womens hearts, minds and votes

    Battle for womens hearts, minds and votes

    September 18, 2008 By Teresa Albano

    The battle for women’s hearts, minds and votes has gone into overdrive. And for good reason. In 2004, women as a whole made up 54 percent of the electorate, with white women making up 41 percent.

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  • Vote suppression, ‘dirty tricks’ target key states

    Vote suppression, ‘dirty tricks’ target key states

    September 17, 2008

    The AFL-CIO has launched a new voting rights protection program to help protect working-class voters against dirty tricks in the fall elections. My Vote, My Right aims 'to ensure votes cast at the ballot box are...

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  • Hillary Clinton in Ohio: No way, no how, no McCain, no Palin

    Hillary Clinton in Ohio: No way, no how, no McCain, no Palin

    September 17, 2008

    ELYRIA, Ohio — Hammering “failed Republican economic policies,” Sen. Hillary Clinton rallied 1,000 cheering residents of Lorain County to go all out to elect Barack Obama president. Speaking in the packed lobby of Lorain Community College...

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