
  • Bush spying OK by McCain

    Bush spying OK by McCain

    June 14, 2008

    Sen. John McCain has long posed as a critic of President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping of phone calls and e-mails of millions of law-abiding citizens. As recently as last November he proclaimed that “private companies that provide...

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  • The Peoples Weekly World got it right

    The Peoples Weekly World got it right

    June 14, 2008

    How did the corporate media get the Iraq war so wrong? This is a question that has resurfaced with former Bush press secretary Scott McClellan’s new book “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s...

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  • Wilderness lovers ask: Why bring a gun to a national park?

    Wilderness lovers ask: Why bring a gun to a national park?

    June 14, 2008

    OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK, Wash. — Nathan Goff, a house painter in Olympia, Wash., drove his wife, Missy, and 19-month-old daughter up to Hurricane Ridge here June 8. The ridge, just a few feet shy of one...

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  • A win for First Amendment in Miami-Dade, Fla.

    A win for First Amendment in Miami-Dade, Fla.

    June 12, 2008

    MIAMI – Local antiwar and social justice organizations won back their right to peacefully assemble recently when U.S. District Court Judge Cecilia Altonaga issued a ruling declaring two Miami-Dade County, Fla., ordinances unconstitutional. Altonaga granted a...

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  • Editorial: Licking Big Oils boots

    Editorial: Licking Big Oils boots

    June 12, 2008

    Senate Republicans gave people a slap in the face June 10, voting to block a windfall profits tax on oil companies that are robbing us blind at the gasoline pump with $4.35 per gallon gasoline. Democrats...

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