
  • Big lies from Big Oil

    Big lies from Big Oil

    July 1, 2008

    Labor, environmentalists: Offshore drilling is just a profit scam The proposal by President Bush and Sen. John McCain to lift the federal ban on offshore oil drilling will do nothing to reduce gasoline prices but will...

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  • Ohio nurses fight for patient rights

    Ohio nurses fight for patient rights

    June 24, 2008

    CLEVELAND — Patients are dying because nurses are being mistreated and overworked,” stated Adrienne Zurub, a registered nurse from Cleveland, as she kicked off a June 15 rally here by the National Nurses Organizing Committee. The...

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  • Merrilee Milstein mourned

    Merrilee Milstein mourned

    June 24, 2008

    HARTFORD, Conn. — Labor leaders from across the region, state elected officials, friends and family gathered June 12 at UAW Region 9A headquarters here for a memorial service for Merrilee Milstein, long-time union, civil rights and...

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  • Just say NO to offshore oil drilling

    Just say NO to offshore oil drilling

    June 20, 2008 By Susan Webb

    Greenpeace is calling for signatures on an to McCain, titled “Just Say NO to Offshore Drilling.”

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  • A small picket line turns into a mass outpouring

    A small picket line turns into a mass outpouring

    June 20, 2008

    CHICAGO — Sixty striking workers who have been taking turns picketing in front of the Congress Hotel here for the past five years could not conceal their joy June 11 as thousands of trade union and...

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