
  • Bush veto would strip 5 million kids of health care

    Bush veto would strip 5 million kids of health care

    September 28, 2007

    President Bush’s threatened veto of legislation to renew and expand the popular State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) puts at risk medical insurance for 5 million or more poor children, according to fighters for children’s health...

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  • Iraq Moratorium asks How many more will die?

    Iraq Moratorium asks How many more will die?

    September 28, 2007

    CHICAGO — Dozens of peace activists, covered in white sheets, some stained with fake blood, lay motionless on the concrete with red carnations atop their bodies in a “die-in” at Federal Plaza here Sept. 21, symbolizing...

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  • After historic march: No justice yet for Jena 6

    After historic march: No justice yet for Jena 6

    September 28, 2007

    JENA, La. — The day after tens of thousands marched to free the Jena Six, Melissa Bell stepped out of the LaSalle Parish Courthouse in tears Sept. 21 after the judge denied bail for her son,...

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  • EDITORIAL: No blank check on justice

    EDITORIAL: No blank check on justice

    September 21, 2007

    Media pundits, commentators and spin doctors are busy once again, interpreting the choice by President Bush of Michael B. Mukasey to replace the disgraced Antonio Gonzales as attorney general. Missing from most of the “analysis” is...

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  • Auto union, GM at odds

    Auto union, GM at odds

    September 21, 2007

    DETROIT — Having named General Motors the “strike target” in their negotiations with Detroit’s Big Three auto companies on Sept. 13, the United Auto Workers union had still not reached an agreement with GM as the...

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