
  • Calif. stealth initiative could grab White House for GOP

    Calif. stealth initiative could grab White House for GOP

    August 17, 2007

    Under the guise of “electoral reform,” California Republicans are preparing to launch a deceptively-named ballot initiative which could seriously distort the results of next year’s presidential election. In mid-July, Thomas W. Hiltachk, acting on behalf of...

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  • Eerie silence at bridge disaster site

    Eerie silence at bridge disaster site

    August 17, 2007 By Teresa Albano

    MINNEAPOLIS — Cars have been removed and the ninth victim’s body was recovered Aug. 13 from the I-35W bridge collapse here. Tall black cranes, one with the American flag on top of it, moved slowly on...

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  • Mortgage crisis stoked by incredible greed

    Mortgage crisis stoked by incredible greed

    August 17, 2007 By Susan Webb

    Baton Rouge, La., Kansas City, Mo., and Bethlehem, Pa., are far from Wall Street, but they are among the ground zeros in the financial crisis now grabbing headlines. It’s a crisis caused, some say, by “incredible...

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  • The American Revolution revisited

    The American Revolution revisited

    August 10, 2007 By John Gilman

    Are those who sing our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner,” and those who enjoy the huge fireworks displayed over our entire nation every July 4 really aware of the significance of this historic holiday?

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  • Solving New Orleans health care crisis

    Solving New Orleans health care crisis

    August 10, 2007

    The post-Katrina catastrophe in New Orleans has ripped the mask off the ruling class. Unlike a festive Mardi Gras unmasking, the greed, racism, arrogance and brutality of the Bush administration and the class whose interests it...

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