
  • Palin distorts Founders religious views

    Palin distorts Founders religious views

    September 11, 2008

    Before the selection of Alaska's governor, Sarah Palin, as the Republican vice presidential nominee, the 2008 campaign had been notable for the apparently declining influence of evangelical Christians on American politics. Notwithstanding the evangelicals' strong support...

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  • Tear gas, pepper sprayWelcome to GOP convention

    Tear gas, pepper sprayWelcome to GOP convention

    September 11, 2008

    ST. PAUL, Minn. (PAI)--As the Republican National Convention convened on Sept. 1 in downtown St. Paul, Minn., more than 10,000 people, including unionists, took to the streets to protest the Iraq War and demand new priorities...

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  • Fear on U.S. 101

    Fear on U.S. 101

    September 10, 2008

    PORT ANGELES, WA—Edgar Ayala, who graduated with honors from Forks High School last June was arrested at a Border Patrol checkpoint on Highway 101 Aug. 20 just a mile or so from the place that has...

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  • Al-Arian finally freed on bail

    Al-Arian finally freed on bail

    September 10, 2008

    Sami Al-Arian who has spent five and a half years in prison even though a Tampa jury refused to convict him of trumped up “terrorism” charges was released on bail Sept. 2, a partial victory cheered...

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  • Arctic eyewitness

    Arctic eyewitness

    September 9, 2008

    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (pro-oil groups prefer its foreign-sounding acronym, ANWR) is ground zero in the War on the Environment. If the oil companies win the fight to drill there, no place will be off-limits...

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