
  • EDITORIAL: Housing bubble criminals

    EDITORIAL: Housing bubble criminals

    March 23, 2007

    Economists are warning that a crisis is looming in the home mortgage industry that could eclipse the bursting of the dot.com bubble and the Enron and WorldCom bankruptcies seven years ago. It has the potential of...

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  • Mayor Bloombergs demolition derby for New Yorks public schools

    Mayor Bloombergs demolition derby for New Yorks public schools

    March 23, 2007

    With the Bush administration under fire from all directions, even his “signature” education bill, No Child Left Behind, is losing support, including from Republicans. NCLB has produced a huge shift towards standardized testing, using test scores...

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  • Chicago officials urge end to raids, deportations

    Chicago officials urge end to raids, deportations

    March 23, 2007

    CHICAGO — By a 45-0 vote, Mayor Richard M. Daley and the City Council approved a resolution March 13 calling on President Bush to issue a moratorium immediately on all immigration raids and deportations not related...

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  • Behind the firings: GOP assault on one person, one vote

    Behind the firings: GOP assault on one person, one vote

    March 23, 2007

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Behind all the furor around U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, one of eight federal prosecutors who were fired by the Bush administration, was an effort by the Republican Party to suppress massive voter registration...

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  • Whos watching our backs?

    Whos watching our backs?

    March 16, 2007

    Forty-five dollars for a six-pack of Pepsi; $99 to wash a load of clothes. You’d have to be crazy to pay such prices. Right? Wrong. This is what Halliburton has been charging in Iraq. Soldiers interviewed...

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