
  • Dj vu as anger rises over Florida vote tally

    Dj vu as anger rises over Florida vote tally

    December 1, 2006

    Anger is spreading across Florida that once again, as in the 2000 election, vote theft has put the wrong candidate in office in Washington. Wealthy Republican businessman Vern Buchanan has been certified as winner over Democrat...

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  • Deval Patrick win makes civil rights history

    Deval Patrick win makes civil rights history

    December 1, 2006

    BOSTON — Newspapers headlines throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts unanimously proclaimed the Nov. 7 electoral victory of Deval Patrick as “historic.” And right they were. Patrick, a former assistant attorney general for civil rights in the...

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  • GOP anti-immigrant agitation backfires

    GOP anti-immigrant agitation backfires

    November 18, 2006

    Commentary Since last December the Republican right has tried to use undocumented immigrants as a collective “Willie Horton” to distract voters’ attention from the massive failures of GOP policy, including the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, declining...

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  • EDITORIAL: Thank the workers and common-sense voters

    EDITORIAL: Thank the workers and common-sense voters

    November 17, 2006

    When working people sit down to Thanksgiving dinner this year they will be savoring more than turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. They will be giving thanks that a clear majority in the Nov. 7 midterm elections...

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  • EDITORIAL: Change policy, not just faces

    EDITORIAL: Change policy, not just faces

    November 17, 2006

    When President Bush announced the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a key architect and executor of the disastrous and criminal U.S. war on Iraq, it was more good news on top of the Nov. 7...

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