
  • Job report masks signs of trouble

    Job report masks signs of trouble

    June 11, 2004 By Art Perlo

    While the Associated Press reports on “a job market steadily gaining steam ahead of November’s presidential election,” President Bush still has plenty to worry about from working-class voters concerned with the economy.

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    June 11, 2004

    BRUNSWICK, Ga.: Protesters ‘unwelcome’ G-8 Summit Caravans of military Humvees patrolled the cobblestone streets in this coastal town starting June 5. Legions of Secret Service agents and an estimated 10,000-20,000 federal, state and local police roamed...

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  • Activists death prompts call for U.S. probe

    Activists death prompts call for U.S. probe

    June 11, 2004

    CHICAGO – Friends and relatives of community activist May Molina Ortiz are demanding that the U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald, carry out a special investigation of her death in police custody May 25. The...

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  • White House put itself above the law

    White House put itself above the law

    June 11, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia is sitting in an Army brig at Ft. Sill, Okla., because he rejected the torture and brutality carried out by U.S. occupation forces in Iraq. Mejia served eight years in the Army...

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  • Acting on principle: John Randolphs life and legacy

    Acting on principle: John Randolphs life and legacy

    June 4, 2004 By Noel Rabinowitz

    HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – John Randolph, a great light of stage and screen, was laid to rest here Feb. 24 at age 88. Actor and activist, Randolph shined his light through the anti-Communist hysteria of the McCarthyite...

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