
  • Dr. King Day observed across the nation

    Dr. King Day observed across the nation

    January 30, 2004

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday is a national holiday for everyone, except most workers working for major corporations. The mail carrier is off, but Wal-Mart is open. While corporations view the third Monday in January...

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  • Death of homeless man spurs outrage

    Death of homeless man spurs outrage

    January 30, 2004

    CHICAGO – Raymond Greenwald, a homeless man, froze to death here under a footbridge in River West Park on Jan. 18. His body was discovered by a group of 14-year-olds out playing in the snow. About...

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  • Homeland Securitys faith-based initiative?

    Homeland Securitys faith-based initiative?

    January 30, 2004

    Is spying on clergy who support working people’s struggles a “faith-based initiative”? Homeland Security put its unique stamp on the president’s program when it sent undercover agents to spy on a gathering of clergy and religious...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    January 29, 2004

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Californians say ‘Tax the rich’ The California State Assembly is going where the money is to plug the gaping hole in the state’s budget. Polling in the state showed that 61 percent of residents...

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  • Black youth killed by New York police

    Black youth killed by New York police

    January 29, 2004

    NEW YORK – A young African American couple was tragically torn apart as a bullet from a New York Police Department officer’s gun ended the life of 19-year-old Timothy Stansbury Jr. Stansbury had been walking from...

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