Coretta Scott King: Freedom fighter
February 10, 2006Coretta Scott King personified everything women have struggled to achieve in the movement for equality, emancipation and freedom. Her life mothered the understanding of generations who fought and continue to fight for civil rights, all people’s...
Read moreBush budget: Trillions for rich, cuts for the rest of us
February 10, 2006WASHINGTON — President Bush’s $2.77 trillion 2007 budget brutally slashes funds for health, education and other vital human needs while lavishing $1.8 trillion in tax cuts on the wealthy over the next 10 years, a coalition...
Read moreThank you and lets celebrate!
February 10, 2006Dear Readers, As the final accounting for our 2005 fund drive winds up, I want to thank each and every one of you who gave your time and money to the People’s Weekly World. At press...
Read moreBushs Enron pal goes on trial; 11 fraud, conspiracy charges for Kenny Boy Lay
February 10, 2006HOUSTON — The trial of former Enron Chairman Ken Lay began at the federal courthouse here Jan. 30. Lay, affectionately dubbed “Kenny Boy” by his longtime pal President George W. Bush, faces 11 conspiracy and fraud...
Read moreCardinal Mahony initiates immigrant rights campaign
February 8, 2006LOS ANGELES — A leading member of the Catholic Church has condemned a congressional resolution that, he says, further victimizes immigrants. In response he has initiated a campaign for immigrant rights.
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