
  • Weve won on Social Security  for now

    Weve won on Social Security for now

    October 21, 2005

    President Bush acknowledged earlier this month that his main domestic goal of “saving” Social Security was going nowhere. Regarding his privatization scheme, he said, “There seems to be a diminished appetite in the short term, but...

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  • Cuts in affirmative action and wages inundate hurricane survivors

    Cuts in affirmative action and wages inundate hurricane survivors

    September 23, 2005

    Working families in the Gulf region are being hit by a second disaster as the Bush administration uses the current emergency to slash wages and open the door for discriminatory hiring practices across an area already...

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  • Katrina survivors face mental health challenges

    Katrina survivors face mental health challenges

    September 23, 2005

    HOUSTON — Many of the people who survived Katrina will face significant mental health issues over the next few months and even years. While the health issues are quite clear — many suffered death, physical injury,...

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  • N.Y. NOW rallies against Roberts

    N.Y. NOW rallies against Roberts

    September 23, 2005

    NEW YORK — “Abortion is health care, and health care is a right!” declared state Sen. Tom Duane (D-Manhattan), leading a crowd of hundreds gathered in Union Square here Sept. 15 to denounce Bush’s nomination of...

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  • Bay Area demonstrators: Immigrant rights, not vigilante violence

    Bay Area demonstrators: Immigrant rights, not vigilante violence

    September 23, 2005

    SAN JOSE, Calif. — On Sept. 15, the eve of Mexican Independence Day, Bay Area immigrant rights advocates called for recognition of immigrants’ great contributions to California’s economy and culture, challenged those who would deny them...

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