
  • Too much government spending?

    Too much government spending?

    June 20, 2003 By Art Perlo

    The Bush administration and Republican Congress want to strangle government spending. One purpose of the tax cuts (in addition to giving themselves and their wealthy supporters another break) is to starve the government and force further...

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  • Angela Davis urges unity against repression

    Angela Davis urges unity against repression

    June 20, 2003

    CHICAGO – The Chicago chapter of the National Alliance Against Racial and Political Repression (NAARPR) observed the organization’s 30th anniversary by holding a banquet that highlighted the urgent need for “regime change” here in the U.S....

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  • Dont forget to vote June 24!

    Dont forget to vote June 24!

    June 20, 2003

    MoveOn.org, the online grassroots advocacy group, will conduct a web-based presidential primary election next week. Voting will begin at midnight EDT on June 24 and continue for 48 hours. MoveOn said it would endorse, organize volunteers...

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  • Civil Liberties Union: Make U.S. safe and free

    Civil Liberties Union: Make U.S. safe and free

    June 20, 2003

    WASHINGTON – About 1,500 members of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) applauded June 11 as ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero vowed a fightback against the Bush administration’s “far-reaching assault on our Constitutional rights, using the...

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  • Bush has the corporations, but the Communist Party needs YOU!

    Bush has the corporations, but the Communist Party needs YOU!

    June 20, 2003

    While corporate executives are lining up this week to give money to Bush for a second try at election fraud, the Communist Party is hitting crunch time in the final weeks of its annual fund drive....

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