
  • Money needed to stop SARS

    Money needed to stop SARS

    April 3, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Not far below the media war-hype radar, an international worry is mounting over Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a dangerous respiratory disease.

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  • Conyers blasts Bush, Ashcroft

    Conyers blasts Bush, Ashcroft

    April 3, 2003

    CHICAGO – In his speech to the March 1 Rally to Reclaim Our Rights, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, blasted President Bush’s drive to war with Iraq and warned of...

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  • Social Security: safe  for now

    Social Security: safe for now

    April 3, 2003 By David Eisenhower

    The Social Security Board of Trustees recently released its annual report on the long-term financial health of the retirement fund. The trustees found that the trust fund will continue to accumulate surpluses (payroll tax revenues exceeding...

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  • Government targets charities in witch hunt

    Government targets charities in witch hunt

    April 3, 2003

    DALLAS – Waseem Nasrallah, spokesperson for the Muslim Legal Fund, spoke to 25 activists at the Dallas Peace Center recently. He explained the case of the four Elashi brothers and their female cousin, all devout Muslims,...

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  • Canadians debate health care

    Canadians debate health care

    March 28, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Responding to mass pressures, the government of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has released a long-awaited 356-page report proposing changes that will make an already good national health program even better.

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