
  • National Clips

    National Clips

    January 16, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.: Street peace heat blunts winds of war / GARY, Ind.: Steel city says no to war / WASHINGTON, DC: Defend the right to safe and legal abortion / DECATUR, Ala.: 60 Steelworker jobs, 1,500...

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  • Protest call: No cuts, tax the rich!

    Protest call: No cuts, tax the rich!

    January 16, 2003

    HARTFORD, Conn. – Traffic here ground to a halt on the morning of Jan. 8, as several thousand marched on the state capitol in the cold and snow to protest the inhumane layoffs and cuts in...

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  • Profits come first with Frist

    Profits come first with Frist

    January 16, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Some have said that switching from U.S. Senate leader Trent Lott (R-S.C.) to Dr. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) is like going from the frying pan into the fire. Well, that isn’t entirely true, but analyzing voting records...

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  • 4,500 Mainers rebuff racists from away

    4,500 Mainers rebuff racists from away

    January 16, 2003

    LEWISTON, Maine – Thousands of Maine residents gathered here Jan. 11 to support recent Somali immigrants who have been targeted by the hate group “World Church of the Creator.” Last November, the hate organization announced its...

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  • Unemployment: No good news

    Unemployment: No good news

    January 16, 2003

    According to the Labor Department the economy lost another 101,000 jobs in December, most of them in manufacturing industries and retail trade. Although the official year-end unemployment rate of 6 percent was unchanged from November, it...

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