Immigration: How not to make legislative concessions
August 13, 2010The Senate yesterday to throw $600 more into the useless and hopeless project of "sealing" the U.S.-Mexican border. What a waste!
Read moreDenying citizenship to U.S. born children is racist
August 13, 2010Some members of Congress are pushing to challenge the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which grants automatic citizenship to anyone born in the country.
Read moreAmericans are dying to eat
August 12, 2010Despite evidence that they may cause cancer, food manufacturers continue to pour about 15 million pounds of eight synthetic dyes into the American food supply every year.
Read moreHitch-22: When the left moves right
August 10, 2010In lining up with Bush on the war in Iraq, the former Nation columnist shocked the left, and his militant atheism has inspired animosity on the right. Still, in his memoir Hitchens comes off as a...
Read moreHow establishment media fans anti-immigrant flames
August 10, 2010The anti-immigrant stridency of people like Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck sometimes leads us to ignore the somewhat more subtle bigotry from more "respectable" media, like the Washington Post.
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