
  • Pledge week begins

    Pledge week begins

    April 24, 2009 By Jenn Delgado

    Over the past few years, we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in “PWW Fund Drives” that lasted several months. This year, in keeping with the idea of “change” and “hope,” we’re trying something new.

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  • Immigration reform  welcome news

    Immigration reform welcome news

    April 17, 2009

    We welcome the news that both of the nation’s major labor federations have agreed to join forces to support an overhaul of the immigration system. They are backing the Obama administration’s call for a path to...

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  • Letters: Nukes, Berenson, Travel to Cuba, free speech, J.H. Franklin

    Letters: Nukes, Berenson, Travel to Cuba, free speech, J.H. Franklin

    April 17, 2009

    Nuclear sense Finally! A president who lives in the real world. By extending the hand of friendship and mutual respect and sweeping away the Cold War tactics of arrogance, confrontation and peace through strength, Barak Obama...

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  • Love your mother

    Love your mother

    April 16, 2009

    Earth Day, April 22, is sandwiched between Tax Day, April 15, and Workers Memorial Day, April 28. Just around the corner is May Day, May 1, the international workers day and a day for flower baskets...

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  • Unemployment — not a lagging indicator of economy

    Unemployment — not a lagging indicator of economy

    April 11, 2009

    It is conventional wisdom pontificated ad nauseam on business channels like CNBC and Bloomberg that employment figures are “lagging indicators” of the state of a country’s economy. Their argument is that as recessions begin businesses start...

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