
  • EDITORIAL Wealthy vs. healthy

    EDITORIAL Wealthy vs. healthy

    July 23, 2009

    The nation’s biggest banks are awash in profits. Wells Fargo reports second-quarter profits up 47 percent over a year ago. It raked in $2.58 billion, up from $1.75 billion for the same period last year. Citigroup...

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  • COMMENTARY Obama, my grandpa and health care

    COMMENTARY Obama, my grandpa and health care

    July 23, 2009

    My grandfather retired from Chrysler in the early 1980s. He was what we in the Midwest call a 'stand-up guy.' He worked hard and did his job, but he never took any crap from anybody, especially...

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  • LONESOME HOBO ECONOMICS Should the bankers be hanged?

    LONESOME HOBO ECONOMICS Should the bankers be hanged?

    July 22, 2009 By John Case

    Should the bankers be hanged? Their reckless betting of other people's money turned a cyclical economic crisis into a near meltdown not seen since the Great Depression.

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  • COMMENTARY Narrow thinking on health care

    COMMENTARY Narrow thinking on health care

    July 22, 2009

    HR 676, the single-payer bill introduced by Michigan Rep. John Conyers, is a fine piece of legislation and it is understandable that those who have worked hard for its enactment are passionate about this cause. What...

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  • OPINION Ahmadinejad on the wrong side of history

    OPINION Ahmadinejad on the wrong side of history

    July 22, 2009

    To reach a correct judgment concerning recent developments in Iran and the self-styled re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it is vital to view the whole picture: national and international. For some, otherwise objective, anti-imperialist forces outside...

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