
  • Car talk: whats wrong, whos to blame?

    Car talk: whats wrong, whos to blame?

    April 4, 2009

    President Obama’s auto task force is giving Chrysler 30 days to finalize a merger with Fiat, and General Motors 60 days to further consolidate brands, reduce debt and show additional plans to produce fuel efficient “green”...

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  • EDITORIAL: May Day—a great day to support the workers newspaper

    EDITORIAL: May Day—a great day to support the workers newspaper

    April 3, 2009 By PWW Editorial Board

    May 1 — May Day — International Workers’ Holiday, and now, increasingly, a day to march for immigrant rights. This important world celebration, which was born right here in Chicago, USA, is being reclaimed by the...

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  • At issue: the role of government

    At issue: the role of government

    April 2, 2009

    Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Abraham Lincoln, 1863. Today’s Republican right wants us to forget this concept. They persist in the discredited mantra, going back to Gingrich’s “Contract with America,” that...

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  • It has to be built

    It has to be built

    March 28, 2009

    Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman recently opined in his New York Times column that the about-to-be-released Obama plan to resuscitate a financial system on life support “is more than disappointing. In fact, it fills me...

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  • Call for humanitarian signal on Cuba

    Call for humanitarian signal on Cuba

    March 28, 2009

    On April 10, family members of the Cuban Five will again apply for U.S. visas. For Adriana Perez, it will be the 10th time she tries to obtain a visa to see her husband, Gerardo Hernandez,...

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