
  • The anguish of developed capitalism

    The anguish of developed capitalism

    March 14, 2009

    Prensa Latina -- Last Monday the 9th, like all the rest, was a marvelous day of contradictions for developed capitalism in the midst of its incurable crisis. That day, the British news agency Reuters, not suspected...

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  • Editorial: The battle over health care

    Editorial: The battle over health care

    March 13, 2009

    The White House health care reform summit March 5 set a new tone and scope for the struggle to fix our broken system. Health care advocates had to spend the past eight years battling Bush moves...

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  • Facing the death dance: Israel’s My Lai

    Facing the death dance: Israel’s My Lai

    March 13, 2009 By Curly Cohen

    “Waltz with Bashir” is an animated Israeli film with English subtitles about Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

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  • COMMENTARY: The battle for science continues

    COMMENTARY: The battle for science continues

    March 8, 2009

    The 200th anniversary of the birth of British naturalist Charles Darwin, together with the upcoming 150th anniversary of his book “The Origin of the Species” has motivated more interest in the Theory of Evolution. It’s also...

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    March 6, 2009 By Readers

    Prevent SS meeting in Latvia The boss’ Armageddon Landmines and cluster weapons Dental care crisis Crooks Spanish Civil War vet dies

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