
  • The media’s Minnesota debacle

    The media’s Minnesota debacle

    November 15, 2008 By Jamison Foser

    With only about 200 votes out of nearly 3 million cast separating Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman and his Democratic challenger, Al Franken, the race is headed to a recount.

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  • Letters: November 15, 2008

    Letters: November 15, 2008

    November 14, 2008

    Spartacus Just coincidentally, I had rented the DVD “Spartacus” from Netflix two weeks before the interview with Kirk Douglas reprinted in the People’s Weekly World (10/25-31). Aside from the wonderful articulation on the subject of the...

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  • Better late than never?

    Better late than never?

    November 14, 2008

    The New York Times, BBC and numerous other news outlets reported last week that the Bush White House knew — and kept from the American people — that it was indeed Georgia’s U.S.-trained forces that started...

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  • EDITORIAL: Chinas bold move

    EDITORIAL: Chinas bold move

    November 14, 2008

    China, hit by the current global economic crisis, with some foreign-operated plants closing down, took immediate, emergency action. Its State Council approved a $586 billion public works program to build new low-cost homes, mass transit and...

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  • 10 truisms of capitalism from the mouths of robber barons

    10 truisms of capitalism from the mouths of robber barons

    November 13, 2008 By Norman Markowitz

    The callousness and greed of today’s bankers, financiers and corporate CEOs calls to mind the 19th century robber barons. Here’s a relevant sample of classic statements made by some of the worst U.S. capitalists in history.

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