
  • OPINION: A contradiction  corporations on welfare complaining about socialism

    OPINION: A contradiction corporations on welfare complaining about socialism

    October 25, 2008

    John McCain has been describing Barack Obama as a “socialist” because the Illinois senator would impose higher taxes on the wealthy than on the working class and poor. McCain says this amounts to an “unacceptable” redistribution...

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  • Young workers do better with unions

    Young workers do better with unions

    October 24, 2008

    For young workers who may not know what the advantages of being in a union are, the question “What’s a union gonna do for me?” was answered in a report released last week by the Center...

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  • Letters: Oct. 25, 2008

    Letters: Oct. 25, 2008

    October 24, 2008

    Open letter to McCain As a proud citizen and believer in the American dream I can and do sympathize with Joe the plumber. However, we have yet to hear from you the words, “Joe the plumber...

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  • Not this time

    Not this time

    October 24, 2008

    In state after state the number of new voters has exploded like never before. A people united are rising up to sweep the extreme right out of the White House and the Congress. The new voters...

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  • Plumbers vote their paycheck

    Plumbers vote their paycheck

    October 24, 2008

    “Joe the Plumber” has become a crutch John McCain and Sarah Palin are leaning on, heavily, to keep their limping campaign from keeling over. They quote him constantly as a sharp critic of Barack Obama’s plan...

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