
  • The Boomers rise again!

    The Boomers rise again!

    August 14, 2008

    Opinion Remember those scenes of hundreds of thousands of young Americans in protest against the Vietnam war, racial oppression, and the draft? Remember singing Bob Dylan’s, “The Times They Are A Changing” and believing every word?...

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  • Elections 08: embracing the moment

    Elections 08: embracing the moment

    August 2, 2008 By Sam Webb

    The expected presidential nomination of Barack Obama is a path breaking and historic achievement from many standpoints, not least the struggle for equality and against racism. Obama’s nomination leaves an enduring mark on every aspect of...

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  • Letters: August 2

    Letters: August 2

    August 2, 2008

    Let’s impeach There is still time to hold President Bush accountable for the harm done to our democracy and to show the world what kind of democracy America believes in. The House Judiciary Committee held a...

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  • Editorial: McCains gaffes:Uncovering the cover-up

    Editorial: McCains gaffes:Uncovering the cover-up

    August 2, 2008

    In a recent interview with CBS anchorperson Katie Couric, Republican presidential contender John McCain blasted Barack Obama for opposing the surge in Iraq. McCain claimed the deployment of more U.S. troops gave rise to the “Anbar...

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  • Editorial: Celebrate the Olympic Games

    Editorial: Celebrate the Olympic Games

    August 2, 2008

    Hundreds of nations will participate in the 2008 Olympics, many of whom are in conflict, even at war with each other. All will be part of a single, peaceful event. Politics and the Olympics have always...

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