
  • LETTERS: July 19

    LETTERS: July 19

    July 18, 2008

    Speaking out for Nader In every publication of PWW articles are written about government lies, crimes, injustices, breaches of the Constitution, illegal surveillances, government-assisted profit scams and on and on. I also am reading in the...

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  • Texas agency defies history

    Texas agency defies history

    July 18, 2008

    A fruitful way to understand the fanatical efforts of America’s right wing is to realize that they want to turn back the clock and the calendar. Their efforts are clearest within the Texas Education Agency, where...

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  • Justice for immigrants is a united effort

    Justice for immigrants is a united effort

    July 18, 2008 By James Thompson

    As I left the theater after watching “The Visitor” I started thinking about all the things we have lost in the last eight years. Loss of civil liberties and justice are a couple of the main...

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  • Drama grows over Calif.s overdue budget

    Drama grows over Calif.s overdue budget

    July 16, 2008

    The drama is intensifying around California’s budget for the fiscal year starting July 1. Last week the Legislature’s Budget Conference Committee announced a counterproposal to roll back many of the draconian cuts to health, education and...

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  • Supreme Court decisions are a mixed bag

    Supreme Court decisions are a mixed bag

    July 11, 2008

    NewsAnalysisElections will determine high court’s future direction A review of U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the 2007-2008 term should be enough to convince doubters of the importance of a massive vote to end the far-right Republican...

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