Circular migration of labor: a global corporate trend
October 5, 2007The defeat of the Senate’s flawed comprehensive immigration bill last spring and the Bush administration’s escalating of factory and neighborhood raids, deportations and militarization of the border are largely blamed on right-wing forces who see legalization...
Read moreGlobal climate change is a working-class issue
September 21, 2007The 60th Annual United Nations Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Conference took place at the UN headquarters in New York in early September. The conference focused on climate change as one of the key issues facing the world....
Read moreZones of conflict: challenge to African unity
September 21, 2007There is a new danger plaguing Africa: zones of conflict are expanding into regional wars that take an ever-increasing human toll. In the recent past, Africa was wracked by wars for liberation from colonial rule, coups...
Read moreRethinking Toyota, autoworkers and allies
September 21, 2007People who own Toyotas are either the moral equivalent of scabs or they are one of the most potentially powerful allies U.S. organized labor has today.
Read moreIs Bush planning war on Iran?
September 7, 2007News Analysis The Sunday Times of London is reporting that the Pentagon has plans for three days of massive air strikes against 1,200 targets in Iran. Last week, Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security...
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